Lynsted Parish Council Minutes (1894 to 1968)

Index Page
1. LGA 1894 - Rural Parish Councils 5. 1933 to the end of WW2
2. Early Years - formation to the death of Queen Victoria 6. 1945 - 1949: Recovery measures begin
3. George V to the threat of War 7. 1950 - 1959: end of rationing and recovery moves forward
4. Through WW1 to 1932 (end First Ledger) 8. 1960 - 1968: Cold War & public building programme (end of Second Ledger)

1950 - 1959: end of rationing and recovery moves forward

Minute Book 2: pp77 - 144

May 25th 1950 [p77-81]

A meeting of the Parish Council was held at the School on Thursday May 25th 1950 at 7.30 p.m. under the Chairmanship of Mr S. R. Dixon. Councillors present were Messrs Brice, Pilcher, Taylor Wildash & Wyles together with the Clerk. The minutes of the last meeting were read, passed & signed. Arising from the Minutes the Clerk read reply letters from S.E.E.B re the lighting of Lynsted Lane. The lights were installed as far as Batteries Close & operated from Jan 6th 1950. With regard to gas supply, the laying of a new main pipe is in progress. With regard to the Kent Assn of Parish Councils further correspondence was read. Mr Brice & the Clerk reported having attended a meeting the previous week at which the formation of the Swale & Sheppey Area Committee was inaugurated. After further discussion it was proposed Mr Pilcher Sec. Mr Taylor and carried: That this Parish Council join the Kent Association of Parish Councils & that the Clerk be instructed to take the necessary action. The Clerk read letters from the K.C.C. indicating that the length of road originally proposed to have a speed limit, had been reduced to approximately?, & that instructions had been issued for the erection of the necessary signs. The area now restricted includes the village street and the school. The survey of public rights of way in the village was discussed. All footpaths etc. were traced on ordnance survey & other maps & councillors undertook to trace out on foot some doubtful ones. The Clerk was instructed to apply to the County Council for the necessary ordnance survey maps for the purpose of making the Schedule. A later meeting, on this matter only, was decided upon.

Mr Pilcher reported on two letters he had received as Rural District Councillor regarding the Welfare of Old & Infirm inhabitants of the villages. It was decided to approach the Teynham & Lynsted W.I. & request its cooperation. The matter of the extension of the lighting of Lynsted Lane was raised & it was decided that the Chairman should again approach Mr Fairbanks of the S.E.E.B. The fact that two members of the Council had not yet attended a meeting was commented upon. After some discussion it was proposed Mr Brice, seconded Mr Wildash & carried that the Clerk write to Messrs Andrews & Miles drawing their attention to their absence; pointing out the regulations on the subject; & asking for their intentions.
Cheques were signed in favour of:- S.E.E.B £9.8.4 Dec. Quarter£9.8.9 March Qtr; M.K.W.Co £2.4.0 Water Rate to March 1951; Mr P. French £12.0.0 Allotment Rents; P. Sykes £6 (Salary £5; Stationery 17/6 Meeting 2/6); S. Roper Dixon 7/11/50

7th November 1950 [79-82]

A meeting of the Parish Council was held at the School on Tuesday 7th Nov. 1950 under the Chairmanship of Mr. S. R. Dixon at 7.30p.m. Councillors present were Messrs Brice, Ching, Pilcher, Wildash & Wyles, together with the Clerk. Apologies were received for the absence of Mr. R. Taylor. The minutes of the last meeting were read, confirmed and signed.
Arising from the minutes:- (1) The Clerk reported receipt from K.C.C. of ordnance survey maps in connection with the rights of way survey. (2) The Clerk reported that no reply had been received from the Women's Institute regarding care of Old People. It was resolved to draw the attention of the W.I. to this matter. (3) The Clerk reported that letters had been sent to Messrs Andrews & Miles re their absence from meetings. The reply from Mr Andrews was read & in it he tendered his resignation from the Council. No reply had been received from Mr. Miles. Proposed Mr Pilcher, seconded Mr Ching & carried: that Mr Andrews' resignation be accepted & that the Council uses its powers to co-opt two local government electors of the parish to fill the vacancies. Proposed Mr Pilcher, seconded Mr Wildash: that Clerk approach Messrs P. Goodwin & F. Baker with regard to their acceptance of office & that in case of refusals Messrs Olney & Clifton be approached. Carried. The Clerk reported a request from the S.E.Elect. Bd. for the Council to agree to the extension of street lighting from 11.0 p.m. to midnight as requested by the Teynham Parish Council. As the lights in both parishes are controlled from one point, the Clerk, after consultation with the Vice-Chairman, wrote on behalf of the Council agreeing. The action taken was now confirmed by the Council. It was resolved to make another approach to the S.E.Elect. Bd. regarding the lack of electricity in Lynsted village, enclosing a map of the district showing the lighted areas surrounding the parish. A letter from the Education Committee was read asking the Council to nominate two persons to serve as School Managers for 3 years commencing March 31st 1951. Prop. Mr Pilcher, Sec Mr Ching & carried: that the Rev. E.A Ehrmann & Mr P. Sykes be nominated. Mr Pilcher reported that the Swale R.D.C had been notified by the K.C.C. that it was proposed in 1951 to effect improvements in Lynsted Lane, between Cambridge Road end and the main road at an estimated cost of £3,000, subject to Ministry of Transport's approval. The Clerk reported that an account for £54/6/- for new street lighting installation & one for £20/2/11 for electricity charges had been received. A precept of £100 for lighting expenses was signed. Cheques were signed:-
1. £9.10.5S.E.El.Bd.Street Lighting June Qr.; 2. £74.8.11 Sept Qr.; (£20/2/11 + £54/6/- on capital expenditure). S. Roper Dixon April 8th 1951 (Signed)

April 8th 1951 [p82-83]

A meeting of the Parish Council was held at the School on Thursday April 5th 1951 immediately following the Parish meeting which had been called for 7.00 p.m. Mr S. R. Dixon was in the Chair. Councillors present were Messrs Brice, Ching, Goodwin, Olney, Pilcher, Taylor, Wildash & Wyles together with the Clerk (P. Sykes). The minutes of the last meeting were read confirmed & signed. The Chairman welcomed Messrs Goodwin & Olney who had agreed to fill the vacancies on the Council.
The Clerk reported that a map of the unlighted area in the district had been forwarded to S.E.E.Bd & that an acknowledgement had be (sic) received stating that the matter was being considered. Mr Brice stated that the S.E.E.Bd was moving in this matter but that he had been told in confidence & could not add to this. In view of this statement it was decided to defer further action until the next meeting. A letter having been received from the Area Education Office that the Rev. Ehrmann had withdrawn his name from re-nomination & had resigned from the office of School Manager, Mr Olney proposed & Mr Pilcher seconded & it was unanimously approved that the Rev. Reeve be nominated to fill the vacancy. A letter from the Kent Council of Social Service was read regarding the provision of Place Name signs in Kent villages. It was proposed by the Chair seconded Mr Wildash that two signs be obtained by the Parish Council, one to be sited by the "30" sign near the school & the second near the junction of Toll Lane & Doddington Road at the top of the rise. This was unanimously approved. Messrs Olney & Goodwin signed the declaration book.
Cheques were drawn as follows:- Percy French £12 Allotment rent to Jan 6th 1951; S.E.E.Board 13/8/5 + 13/15/7 Charges for Dec & May Qrs.; P. Sykes £6/1/-Salary etc. to 31.3.51.
It was decided to write a letter of appreciation to Rev. Ehrmann after his long service as School Manager. The Clerk presented financial statement for year ending March 31st. 1950. S. Roper Dixon 14th March 1952 (Signed)

14th March 1952 [p83-86]

A meeting of the Parish Council was held at the School on Friday March 14th 1952 at 7.30 p.m. with Mr S. R. Dixon in the Chair. Councillors present were Messrs Brice, Goodwin, Olney, Pilcher, Taylor, Wildash & Wyles together with the Clerk (P. Sykes). The Minutes of the last meeting were read, confirmed & signed. Arising from the minutes the Clerk read a letter from S.E.E. Bd. Dated 30/5/51 stating that the extension had now been authorised, but because of priorities & shortages of material, about 18 months would elapse before work could be started. Mr Pilcher stated that he had seen the District Manager in January of this year, and it was then thought that the work might be in hand by the end of the year. The Clerk read a circular letter from the Ministry of Transport (Circ. No 669) pointing out the necessity of obtaining the authorisation of the Ministry before any new work with regard to street lighting was undertaken.
Prop. Mr Pilcher & seconded Mr Brice and carried: that the Council write the District Manager of S.E.E Bd (i) recalling his letter of 30/5/51; (ii) stating that the Council contemplated approaching the Ministry of Transport in accordance with the terms of Circular No 669; (iii) asking if S.E.E.Bd had now made the final survey of overhead lines & determined the position of the poles; (iv) asking if a copy of this (No iii) could be supplied to this Council for forwarding to the Ministry in connection with the application.
The Clerk read letter from Kent Council of Social Service re provision of place name signs & asking for a fee of £2/10/=. It was decided to send a cheque for this amount. The Clerk presented financial statement for the year ending March 21st 1951, pointing out that the District Auditor was to see the Council's accounts on March 24th next. The statement was approved by the Council & signed by the Chairman, as was also the allotment record. Precept on the Swale Rural Dist. Council for £60 was signed to meet Lighting commitments.
Cheques for the following amounts were signed:-
Mr P French £12, allotment rent to Jan. 1952; Mid Kent Water Co. £2/4/- Water rate to March 1952; S.E.E.Board June Qr. 14.2.8, Sept. Qr. 14/17/4. Dec. Qr. 14.13.3. Total 43.13.3.; Kent Council of Social Service £2/10/- - provision of place name signs.
The Clerk read letters dated 9 May 1951 & 9 Aug. 1951 regarding the appointment of School Manager for Norton School in conjunction with the Parish Councils of Teynham & Norton. It was decided to write the Rector of Norton asking if any action had been taken & that this Council would agree to any nomination made by Norton.
A letter from the Swale Rural Dist. Council was read informing the Council that the triennial election of Parish Councillors would be held on May 6th 1952. Mr Taylor raised the question of building sites for "Council" houses & who had the responsibility of deciding the sites. Mr Pilcher – the Lynsted representative on the Swale R.D.C. – explained that the Housing Committee of the Swale R.D.C. was the responsible body – that each member whose parishes required houses had been asked to suggest two sites – that he himself had favoured the site near the Swedish Houses, but the officer of the Ministry of Town & Country Planning, whose decision was final, fixed on the site opposite the "Black Lion".
The dangerous state of several trees along the Doddington road was commented upon. It was proposed Mr Goodwin, seconded Mr Pilcher & carried: That the Council write the County Council drawing its attention to the possible danger to traffic when high winds were prevalent. The Clerk drew attention to the increased charge for the use of the room for a meeting – from 2/6 to 5/3 – stating that no reply had been received to a letter querying this increase by the Education Committee. S. Roper Dixon 30/5/52 (Signed)

30th May 1952 [p86-88]

The first meeting of the newly-elected Parish Council was held on Friday May 30th 1952 at the School at 7.30 p.m. There were present Messrs Broad, Ching, Dixon, Pilcher, Taylor & Sykes. The Clerk temporarily occupied the Chair. It was proposed Mr Pilcher, Sec. Mr Ching & unanimously approved that Mr Dixon be re-elected Chairman. The Clerk then vacated the Chair in favour of the Mr Dixon. Prop. Mr Ching Sec. Mr Taylor & unanimously approved that Mr Pilcher be re-elected vice-chairman. Prop by the Chair & sec. Mr Pilcher & unanimously approved: that P Sykes be re-elected Clerk. The Chairman with a few very appropriate words welcomed Mr Broad as a new member of the Council. The Clerk read the minutes of the last meeting which were confirmed & signed.
The Clerk reported as follows:-
1. No further development with regard to street lighting. 2. Kent Social Service stated that original supply of place signs was exhausted & that a new supply might cost more & this would be notified in due course. 3. The Rector of Norton had replied stating Mr Boucher had agreed to act as School Manager. 4. The K.C.C. replied that the dangerous trees were the responsibility of the owner of the property & that some had already been felled. 5. The K.C.C. had replied stating that the increased cost of hiring the room was due to increased charge for the caretaker.
A letter was read from the Teynham P.C. asking for this Council's views with regard to any Coronation Celebrations. It was prop., Mr Ching sec. Mr Pilcher & unanimously approved that the Teynham P.C. be thanked for their letter & informed that this Council considered that a joint effort should be made. The Clerk reported that the accounts for the year ending March 31st 1951 had been passed by the District Auditor. The financial statement for the year ending March 31st 1952 was submitted by the Clerk, approved by the Council & signed by the Chairman. Precept for £90 on the Swale R.D.C. was signed - £30 on general account & £60 lighting. Prop. Mr Ching Sec. Mr Broad & unanimously approved: that an invitation to attend all meetings of the Council be sent to Mr Waters – the Lynsted representative on the Swale R.D.C.
The matter of postal facilities near the Batteries Terrance & Close buildings having been raised, it was prop. Mr Broad Sec. Mr Pilcher & unanimously approved that the Postmaster at Sittingbourne be approached with regard to the provision of a collection box in that area.
Mr Broad raised the subject of the disrepair of the sewer manhole covers in Greenstreet & the needless noise made by them in the passage of almost continuous traffic. It was decided to write to the Swale R.D.C. to ask if they could be attended to.
It was decided that in future the meetings of the Parish Council should be held on the second Tuesdays in Jan. April, July, & October unless circumstances made them unnecessary, or intermediate meetings were required.
Apologies for absence were received from Messrs Onley (sic) & Wildash who were ill, & from Mr Wyles who had a prior engagement.
The members present signed the acceptance of office forms & gave specimen signatures for bank purposes. Prop. Mr Ching Seconded Mr Broad & approved that 10 shillings be sent as a subscription to the Kent Playing Fields Assn. Cheque was signed in favour of Seeboard for March Qr. £14. 17. 4. S. Roper Dixon

14th October 1952 [p89-91]

A meeting of the Parish Council was held at the School on Tuesday Oct. 14th 1952 at 7.30 p.m. There were present Mr S. R. Dixon in the Chair Messrs Brice, Broad, Ching, Olney, Pilcher, Taylor, Wildash, Wyles & the Clerk. Mr F. Waters, the Lynsted representative on the Swale R.D.C. was also present. The minutes of the last meeting were read, confirmed & signed.
The Clerk reported:-
(1) The Swale R.D.C. had agreed to inspect the manhole covers in Greenstreet & that this nuisance had now been eliminated.
(2) The requested postal facilities had be (sic) granted by the P.O. authorities & a pillar box would be erected by No. 1. Batteries Terrace.
(3) That the combined meeting of Teynham & Lynsted Parish Councils had resulted in the calling of a public meeting, the election of a committee of which Mr F. Waters was Chairman.
(4) The Rector of Norton had written saying he would inform the Parish Council of Norton's decision re Coronation Celebrations at a later date.
Mr Waters gave a brief summary of the proceedings of the Celebrations Committee to date.
A letter was received from Kent Ed. Committee (through the Swale R.D.C.) stating that the Committee would probably be presenting a Coronation Souvenir to all school children. It was decided to pass this letter to the Celebrations Committee.
A letter was received from the Kent Council of Social Service asking the Parish Council to assist where possible in the salvaging of scrap metal.
A letter was received from Kent County Council regarding maintenance of public footpaths etc. It asked that parish councils should continue to act in accordance with past custom, until the authorized map of public rights of way was published & the regulations concerning it were in force. Attention was drawn to the dangerous sighting of "30" limit sign at the south entrance to the village. This did not give traffic time to reduce speed before entering the village. It was suggested that the sign should be moved a sort distance further south. The dangerous sighting of the Teynham village sign near the Forge in Greenstreet was also pointed out. It was stated that a car driver emerging from Cellar Hill had his view of Faversham bound traffic badly obstructed. It was decided to submit both these cases to the Swale R.D.C. for consideration of the Road Safety Committee.
The lack of connections between the bus services to & from Faversham, and the local Lynsted-Doddington bus was raised by Mr Taylor. It was decided to write to the Maidstone & Dist. Bus Co. to ask if these could be improved.
Mr Broad presented a petition signed by over 100 mothers of Teynham & Lynsted asking for some kind of safety arrangements (by traffic lights or otherwise) to be made for children who had to cross the main road to go to school, particularly as there is now no pedestrian crossing. It was decided to report this matter to the Swale R.D.C. & also to inform Teynham Parish Council what action was being taken.
Trees belonging to Mr Ashley Smith were reported as interfering with the passage of pedestrians & cyclists through low overhanging boughs – particularly at night. It was decided to write Mr Smith asking him to prune these trees & at the same time say the Council considers the trees an asset to the village & would not like to see them spoiled.
Messrs Olney, Wildash & Wyles, who were absent at the last meeting, signed the Declaration Book. Cheques were signed as follows:- Swale R.D.C. £20/6/1 election expenses. M.K. Water Board £2/4/-. Seeboard June & September Qrs. £14/7/4 + £15/5/11. P. Sykes Salary & Expenses £10/16/4. Arthur W Pilcher V. Chairman

27th January 1953 [p91-93]

A meeting of the Parish Council was held at the School on Tuesday Jan 27th 1953 at 7.30 p.m.
There were present Mr A. W. Pilcher in the Chair, Messrs Brice, Wildash, Wyles & the Clerk. Mr J. Waters of the Swale R.D.C. was also present. Apologies were received for the absence of Messrs Dixon (business), Broad (on duty), & Taylor (Hospital). The minutes of the last meeting were read, confirmed & signed. A letter from the postal authorities stated that official permission from the Swale R.D.C. was still awaited before the erection of the pillar box at Batteries Terrace could be proceeded with. Mr Waters stated that he would make enquiries.
A reply from the Maidstone & Dist. Motor Services indicated that slight alterations would be made in the summer time-tables which should improve connections in the local services. It was agreed that this was a satisfactory result.
Mr Waters reported that the Swale road safety committee had :-
(1) caused removal of Teynham place name sign.
(2) could not agree to alter the "30" sign at the south entrance to village & the police supported this refusal.
It was reported that:-
(1) The Ministry of Transport would not agree to a pedestrian crossing in Greenstreet. It was decided that another approach should be made to the Ministry.
(2) Mr Smith had pruned the trees as requested.
A letter from the Ministry of Housing & Local Govmt. was read. It pointed out that Parish Councils were limited to their ordinary allowance if any Coronation expenses were incurred. Letter from Kent Council of Social Services re Coronation medals was passed to the Coronation Committee.
Letter was read from the County Council re the draft map of public rights of way pointing out that :-
(1) the whole county map was available for public inspection at Maidstone.
(2) the parish map was now in the hands of the parish council & should be made available to parishioners.
(3) that objections could be registered up to July 25th 1953.
It was decided to pass the map round the members of the Parish Council first.
The Clerk reported that the financial audit for the year ending March 31st 1952 was completed just after Christmas.
Precept on the Swale for £30 for general purposes was signed. Cheque for £12 was signed in favour of Mr P. French for allotment rents S. Roper Dixon

17th November 1953 [93-95]

A meeting of the Parish Council was held at the School on Tuesday Nov. 17th 1953 at 7.30 p.m. There were present Mr S. R. Dixon in the Chair, Messrs. Brice, Broad, Olney, Taylor, Wyles & the Clerk. Apologies were received for the absence of Mr A W Pilcher.
The Chairman referred to the loss of an esteemed & valued Councillor by the death of Mr R.J. Ching & the members stood in silence as a token of respect to his memory.
The minutes of the last meeting were read, confirmed & signed. There had been no further reports of missed bus connections, but the withdrawal of the 8.10 a.m. bus from Lynsted to Greenstreet was adversely commented on. The children now attending school in Faversham had now to walk to Greenstreet, as had also persons who had to reach Sittingbourne by 9 a.m.
Letters were read from:-
(1) Swale R.D.C. re Road Safety Campaign asking for cooperation of the Parish Council.
(2) Swale R.D.C. forwarding copy of the Building Byelaws which is to be available for public inspection.
(3) Tithe Redemption Commission forwarding tithe map of the Parish & schedule of apportionments. These are also to be available for public inspection from Nov. 18th to Dec. 16th. 1953, after which date they will be returned.
(4) Swale R.D.C. forwarding Ministry of Transport Circular No. 619. This points out the necessity of Parish Councils to apply for a licence before carrying out any work on maintenance or extension of street lighting.
(5) South-eastern Electricity Board asking approval of draft agreement for the provision of street lighting.
It was decided:-
(1) to write to the bus company asking if an alteration could be made in the timing of the 8.40 bus from Lynsted to Greenstreet.
(2) to defer making any move for the extension of street lighting for the present.
(3) to approve of the draft agreement with "Seeboard".
(4) to ask the Telephone Manager if a light could now be fixed in the ‘phone box in Lynsted.
(5) to write the Kent C.C. asking how far the plans notified in 1951 for the improvement of Lynsted Lane had progressed.
(6) that the Parish Council should renominate the present school managers appointed by the minor authority viz. Rev. Reeve & P. Sykes.
(7) to write the Sanitary Inspector of the Swale asking if any action could be taken regarding the smell pervading the village from Mr. G. Macey's farm yard.
The Clerk presented Financial Statement for year ended March 31st 1953 & Allotment A/c for the same period. These were approved. Precept on Swale R.D.C. for £60 on Lighting A/c was signed. Cheques were signed as follows:- (1)Seeboard £47.14.10 for Dec '52, Mar '53, June ‘53; (2)£16. 4. 7 for Sept ‘53; (3)P. Sykes £7.9.5 Salary etc; (4)M.K.W.Co £3.3.6. 2 quarters water rate & excess. It was decided to defer nominations to the vacancy on the Council until the next meeting. S. Roper Dixon

18th May 1954 [95-97]

A meeting of the Parish council was held at the School on Tuesday May 18th 1954 at 7.30p.m. with Mr S. R. Dixon in the Chair. Councillors present were Messrs. Brice, Broad, Olney, Pilcher, Taylor, Wildash & Wyles together with the representative of the Swale R.D.C Mr J. Waters & the Clerk R. Sykes. The minutes of the last meeting were read, confirmed & signed.
Arising from the minutes:-
(1) Letter was read from the bus company. Saying that no alteration in the timing of the No 28 service could be made & suggesting that Lynsted children could reach Faversham via Doddington to arrive before 9.00a.m.
It was decided to write the K.E.C., forwarding a copy of this letter (i) to ask if the issue of season tickets to Lynsted Children by this route would be possible (ii) to point out that the original service was convenient (iii) to state that the erection now in process of 8 more houses in Lynsted village would accentuate the difficulty.
(2) The agreement with "Seeboard" was signed.
(3) It was reported that the telephone box had now been fitted with electric light.
(4) A copy of the Kent C.C. programme for road maintenance & improvement was presented.
(5) A letter from the Swale R.D.C. was read stating the action taken with regard to Mr. Macey's pig styes.
(6) The Clerk reported that the 1952-1953 accounts had been duly passed by the auditor.
(7) That a licence for any required expenditure on street lighting had been issued by the Ministry of Works.
It was proposed Mr Pilcher sec. Mr Olney that Mr. J Waters should be elected to fill the vacancy caused by the death of Mr. R. C. Ching. It was proposed by Mr Broad & sec. Mr Wyles that Mr Cork be elected.
The first proposal was carried & the Chairman declared Mr Waters to be duly elected.
A letter was read from Teynham P.C. asking the opinion of the Council on the erection of shelters at bus stops in Greenstreet. It was Decided to inform Teynham P.C. that any efforts made would be supported by this council – suggesting that 2 shelters were required – one on either side of the main road. A discussion took place on the action of the bus company in preventing the picking up of passengers in Greenstreet when there were special trips going through the Street on the occasion of certain sporting events etc. It was decided to support Teynham P.C. in this matter also. A letter was read from the Association of Parish Councils inviting Councillors to a meeting of the Association in Maidstone. No action was taken.
A letter was read from Seeboard stating that in consequence of the agreement now duly signed an adjustment of payments made in 1951, 52 & 53 had been made, which resulted in the Council being credited with a total of £16.0.3 this result means that the account for Dec 1953 quarter was covered & a credit of £1.5.5 could be deducted from the March 1954 Qr A/c.
A letter from the County Council was read pointing out that any scheme of extension of street lighting must be submitted to the County Council for approval. Cheques were signed.
(1) "Seeboard" March Qr £14.14.10 less credit 1/5/5 - £13.9.5; (2)M K Water Co ½yr to 30/9/54 £1.2.0; (3)P FrenchAllotment Rent to Jan 6th 1954 £13; (4)P SykesSalary etc. £8.8.6.
S. Roper Dixon Feb 22nd 1955

22nd February 1955 [p98-100]

A meeting of the Parish council was held at the School on Tuesday Feb. 22nd 1955 at 7.30pm under the Chairmanship of Mr S. R. Dixon. Councillors present were Messrs Brice, Broad, Olney, Pilcher, Taylor, Waters, Wildash & Wyles, together with the Clerk (P. Sykes)
The minutes of the last meeting were read, confirmed & signed.
Arising from the minutes:-
(i) Replies were read from K.E.C & the Divisional Education Office informing the Council that future season tickets issued to Lynsted children would allow travel by the alternative route to Faversham.
(ii) Receipt of sealed lighting Agreement with "Seeboard" was reported.
Under correspondence:-
(i) Letters were read from Lynsted Parent Teacher Association & from the residents of Batteries close asking for increased street lighting in the village.
It was decided to write "Seeboard" to ask the engineer to meet representatives of the Council with a view to providing extra street lights & to discuss suitable sites. Messrs Olney, Taylor, Wyles & possibly the Chairman were appointed for this purpose.
(ii) Letter from K.C.C was read asking the Council to support the Grey Squirrel campaign. It was agreed to do this.
(iii) Letter from Swale R.D.C. was read informing the council that the next election would be on May 12th 1955.
(iv) Letter was read from Swale R.D.C re. the proposed calling of an area meeting of parish representatives to discuss the Welfare of Old People & asking the Council to nominate representatives.
It was decided to write - (i) The vicar; (ii) Mrs Adams (Salvation Army) & Mr Dack (Sec, Old People's Asscn.) asking if they would consent to be nominated (in Mr Dack's case a representative of his Committee)
The Clerk presented Statement of Accounts & Allotment Rent records for the year ending March 31st 1954. These were accepted & signed by the Chairman.
Cheques were signed in favour of Seeboard (£45.5.7) Mid Kent Water Bd. (£1.2.0) Mr P French Allotment Rents (£12) Mr P Sykes Salary & Expenses (£7)
Precept on Swale R.D.C. for Lighting (£60) was also signed.
The Chairman gave a report on the state of the Jubilee (Victoria) Pump in Greenstreet, which required considerable repairs. The Council were of the opinion that repairs should be effected if possible. A subcommittee consisting of the chairman, Mr Waters & Mr Wildash was appointed to meet representatives of Teynham Parish Council to discuss ways & means. The chairman undertook the arranging of a meeting.
Mr Olney raised the matter of the flooding of the road at Bogle every time there was heavy rain. Mr Waters undertook to raise the matter at the next meeting of the Swale R.D.C & possibly with the County Surveyor as the K.C.C is now the responsible authority for this road.
S. Roper Dixon 21st June 1955

21st June 1955 [100-103]

The first meeting of the newly elected Parish Council was held at the School on Tuesday June 21st 1955 at 7.30p.m. There were present Messrs Brice, Broad, Cork, Dixon, Olney, Taylor, Waters, Wyles & Mrs Saunders together with the Clerk (P. Sykes)
As Chairman of the old Council Mr Dixon especially welcomed Mrs Saunders as the first lady member of Lynsted Parish Council. He also welcomed the other new member – Mr. Cork.
The Clerk temporarily occupied the Chair & those present all signed the Declaration of acceptance of office. It was proposed Mr Olney Sec. Mr Brice - that Mr Dixon be re-elected Chairman. There being no other nominations Mr Dixon was declared duly elected.
Prop. Mr cork Sec. Mr Broad that Mr Wyles be elected Vice-Chairman. Prop. Mr Brice Sec. Mr Taylor that Mr Waters be Vice-Chairman. As the voting was equal it was decided to take no further action. Prop. Mr Dixon Sec Mrs Saunders that the Clerk be re-elected. There being no other nominations the Clerk was declared duly elected. The Clerk read the minutes of the last meeting which were confirmed & signed.
Arising from the minutes:-
(i) The Clerk reported having received letters of consent from Rev. Reeve & Mr Dack re Old People's Welfare, but no reply had been received from Mrs Adams. The three names had been forwarded to Swale R.D.C., but no meeting had so far been arranged.
(ii) Mr Fairbanks of "Seeboard" had met Mr Olney & the clerk & surveyed the road re extension of street lighting. Later "Seeboard" had forwarded proposed plan & submitted an estimate of £119.18.0. After some discussion it was decided to accept the quotation if the site of the light in Batteries Close could be altered & the clerk was instructed to write to "Seeboard" on this point.
(iii) The Chairman reported he had seen Mr Nethercoat re the Jubilee Pump; that decision had been postponed because of local & general elections, but that the matter was being taken up again.
(iv) It was reported that water still collected on the road at Bogle after heavy rain. In this connection a letter from K.C.C divisional surveyor stated that estimates for the improvement of Lynsted Lane were on the 1955-56 programme, but Ministry restrictions would entail a postponement.
A letter was read from Teynham Parish council asking Lynsted Parish Council to agree to having street lighting continued throughout the night. It was decided that before giving consent the Council would ascertain what extra cost this would entail, & also if possible obtain the reaction of affected parishioners to this proposal.
A letter was read from Kent Assn of Parish Councils asking Lynsted to become a member. This matter had been discussed at previous meetings & it was now proposed by Mr Cork & seconded by Mr Waters & agreed that this Parish Council should join the Association.
The Chairman had received a questionnaire from the Kent Council of social Service re village halls, & it was agreed that Mr Dixon should complete the form as well as was possible.
A letter from a number of Greenstreet inhabitants was sent to the chairman complaining of the state of the footpath from Greenstreet to Mill Lane particularly that part on Batteries Farm. As the Council were uninformed on the legal points which might be involved, Mr Waters undertook to ask Mr Tassell for his advice.
Mr Cork asked if application could be made for the erection of a telephone in the vicinity of Batteries Terrace & Close. Mr Waters stated that a limited number for Kent was allotted by the G.P.O., but that this site had been placed on the list.
Mr Olney reported obstruction to pedestrians caused by the overhanging yew tree in Lynsted Street & also that the "30" sign in Ludgate was obscured. It was decided to approach Miss Smith on the former point.
Mr Brice stat there was an unfenced dene hole in Dadman's Shaw which was a possible danger to children & adults although it was on private property. It was decided to write the owners advising them of this.
The Clerk reported that the Council accounts for the year ending March 31st 1954 had been duly audited since the last meeting. The Clerk also presented Financial Statement & Allotment accounts for year ending March 31st 1955. These were accepted & signed by the Chairman. Cheques were signed in favour of "Seeboard" (£16.0.10) M.K.Water Co (£1.2.0) & Kent Assn of Parish councils (£2.10.0). S. Roper Dixon

8th December 1955 [p103-105]

A meeting of the Parish Council was held at the School on Thursday Dec. 8th 1955 at 7.30 p.m. under the chairmanship of Mr S.R. Dixon. Those present were Mrs Saunders, Messrs Brice, Cork, Taylor, Waters, Wyles & the Clerk. Mr Olney's absence was caused by his wife's illness.
The minutes of the last meeting were read, confirmed & signed.
Arising from the minutes
(i) A letter was read from Messrs Burley – the owners of Dadman's Shaw, saying that the dene hole had been fenced in.
(ii) It was reported that no action had yet been taken with regard to the Jubilee Pump.
(iii) It was reported that the "Fox" – Lynsted footpath upkeep was the responsibility of the K.C.C. It was decided to write the local surveyor re the complaints received.
(iv) It was reported that Miss Smith had agreed to the cutting back of the yew tree in Lynsted Street & that this had been done.
(v) Acknowledgement of receipt of subscription was received from the Assn. of Parish Councils together with a number of booklets on aspects of Parish councils' powers & duties. These were distributed among councillors for perusal.
A letter received from the Divisional Educ. Officer re Managers of Norton School was read. It was decided to inform the Rector that this Parish council would agree to whomsoever the Norton Parish meeting chose.
Revised plan of proposed extension of street lighting was presented & agreed to & the Clerk was authorized to accept the estimate from "Seeboard". Letters were read from "Seeboard" giving revised charges for street lighting & altered times. It was proposed Mr Waters & seconded Mr Wyles and carried that "Seeboard's" suggestion that the old agreement be terminated & a new one entered into for a minimum of 7 years from April 1st 1955 be accepted. This would embody the revised charges etc. which show a saving of £5 (approx.) per annum on the present cost.
Precept on the Swale R.D.C. for £30 on General Account & £30 on Lighting A/c was signed.
cheques were signed in favour of "Seeboard" (£29.16.0) M.K.Water Co (£1.2.0) & Swale R.D.C. (£25.9.2).

Letter was read from the Vicar of Lynsted asking for assistance in compiling a list of those parishioners who were killed in the last war, as the Parochial church Council wished to raise funds to have a memorial in the Church. Mrs Saunders undertook to approach the British Legion to check the known list & Mr Cork also undertook to make enquiries.
The matter of the smell from Mr. Macey's piggeries was again raised, the complaints being so many. It was decided to write to ask the Swale R.D.C. to make further efforts to have this nuisance stopped. It was also decided to write Mr Macy asking him to have his hedges & banks cut back so that the footpath commonly known as Granny Stiles was usable.
The land on which the Greenstreet air-raid shelter formerly stood was reported as being a rubbish dump & that vegetation growing there was being a nuisance to neighbours. It was decided to approach the Swale R.D.C. as the rating authority to find the owner of the land.
S. Roper Dixon 8/5/56

8th May 1956 [p105-108]

A meeting of the Parish Council was held at the School on Tuesday May 8th 1956 at 7.30 p.m. with Mr. S. R. Dixon in the Chair. Councillors present were Mrs Saunders & Messrs Brice, Cork, Olney, Taylor, Waters & Wyles together with the Clerk. The minutes of the last meeting were read, confirmed & signed.
A letter was read from the District Surveyor of the K.C.C. that the "Fox" – Mill Lane footpath would be attended to. It was reported that this had been done.
The new agreement for street lighting with "Seeboard" had been received. This was duly completed ready for return to "Seeboard".
It was reported that Mrs Saunders & Mr Cork had both helped with the Vicar's list of the parish war casualties.
Letter from the Swale re Mr Macey's pig farm was read & it was reported that the matter was being kept under observation. It was also reported that the "Granny Stiles" footpath was now clear.
The matter of the rubbish at the Air-raid shelter was again discussed. Mr Dixon undertook to see if Mrs Tidy were still the owner of the land, & Mr Waters would again raise the subject with the R.D.C.
A letter was read from the Education Authority, stating that in due time part of the Allotments (about ¾acre) would be required to form a playing field for the School. After some discussion it was decided to inform the K.E.C. that the Parish Council agreed to this in principle.
The Clerk reported that the District Auditor had required the accounts of the Parish Council to be sent in for audit – not only for the year ending March 31st 1955, but also for the year ending March 31st 1956. It had not been found possible to submit the second of these accounts to the Parish Council before they were required, so the chairman had signed them. The accounts had been duly audited & passed by the auditor. The financial summary was then passed round for inspection & the Chairman's action in signing was confirmed. Precept on the Swale was signed for £90 (£30 on General A/c £60 on Lighting A/c). Cheques were signed in favour of "Seeboard" (£29.13.11) Shaw & Sons Stationery (12/11) P. French Allotment Rents (£12.0.0) P Sykes (Salary & Expenses (£10.4.7).
In view of the dangerous state of Lynsted Lane it was decided to write the District Surveyor to ask if any improvement could be made particularly in the section between Batteries Terrace & the Greenstreet end of the lane. It was decided to write the "Safety First" Committee to see if the "School" signs could be made more conspicuous, that by Mr Smith's garden wall being particularly obscure. It was decided to make personal appeals re obscurity of view caused by the overgrown Vicarage hedge & partial obscurity of Street Lighting near the School & near the Post Office.
The matter of the resignation of the Clerk was discussed. It was decided that
(1) the post should be advertised.
(2) a local man should be appointed if possible.
(3) advice from the Kent Assn of Parish Councils as to a suitable salary should be obtained. It was arranged that the next meeting should be on or before June 26th 1956 (Tuesday) at 7.30p.m.
S. Roper Dixon.

26th June 1956 [p108-110]

A meeting of the Parish Council was held at the School on Tuesday 26th June 1956 at 7.30p.m. with Mr S. R. Dixon in the Chair. Councillors present were Mrs Saunders & Messrs Brice, Broad, Cork, Olney, Taylor, Waters & Wyles together with the Clerk. The Minutes of the last meeting were read, confirmed & signed.
Letter was read from Mr Leeson, the Sittingbourne Road Safety officer, stating that Lynsted School signs were outside his area but that he had passed the matter on to the police & to the Swale R.D.C. The Clerk reported having seen the K.C.C. surveyor who thought that the signs were sufficiently conspicuous but that he would re-inspect the sign by Mr. A. M. Smith's wall.
Letter was read from K.C.C. district surveyor stating that the county Surveyor had informed him that there were no funds available in the present financial year for any improvement to Lynsted Lane. However the footpath in Lynsted village near the Post Office was to be remade.
Letters from "Seeboard" were read reporting completion of the street lighting extension & that the necessary correction to the timing mechanism had been made.
Letters were read from the Swale R.D.C. & from Mr. F. H. Waters regarding the Greenstreet air raid shelter. The shelter was de-requisitioned in 1948 & the owner of the land was responsible for its present condition. The Sanitary Inspector had cleared the rats by poison. Endeavours would be made to have the accumulated rubbish cleared & further efforts made to find the present owner.
Letter was read from the Education Committee thanking the Parish Council for its reply regarding the allotments. It also stated that there was no immediate proposal to acquire this land & that when the time came due notice would be given so that the allotment holders would not be unduly inconvenienced.
Cheques were signed in favour of Kent Assn of Parish councils £2.5.0 & Mid Kent Water Co £1.2.0. An account for approximately £120 was received from "Seeboard" for the lighting extension. It was decided to spread payment over a period.
Letter was read from Kent Assn of Parish Councils indicating various schemes in use for reckoning appropriate salaries of Parish Council Clerks.
After some discussion it was decided that the present clerk (who agreed to continue till the vacancy was filled) should insert the advertisement in "East Kent Gazette" & in "Faversham News"; that the salary should be £15 per annum; that applications should be sent to present clerk who would supply details of duties etc.
The danger caused by children climbing on top of the air-raid shelter at Vigo Terrace was raised. While it was considered that it was a responsibility of the parents, Mr Waters stated that he would raise the matter with the Swale Housing Committee. It was decided that Mrs Saunders & Mr Wyles should represent the Parish Council at the Area Meetings of the Assn of Parish Councils.
S. Roper Dixon

23rd October 1956 [p110-111]

A meeting of the Parish Council was held at the School on Tuesday 23rd Oct 1956 at 7.30 p.m. with Mr S. R. Dixon in the Chair.
Councillors present were Mrs Saunders & Messrs Brice, Broad, Cork, Olney, Taylor, Waters & Wyles together with the Clerk.
The minutes of the last meeting were read, confirmed & signed.
A letter was read from the Education Committee asking the Council to nominate two School managers for the triennial period commencing March 31st 1957. Owing to the almost immediate departure of the Vicar – the Rev. J. D. Reeve & the tendered resignation of Mr P Sykes it was decided to ask the K.E.C. if this matter could be considered at a later date.
A letter from Swale R.D.C asking for allotment particulars was completed. The Chairman read a letter of thanks from Mrs Sykes for associating her with the presentation to her husband – the Clerk.

Mr. Waters reported that the Swale R.D.C was considering plans to prevent children climbing the Vigo air-raid shelter; also that the Greenstreet air-raid shelter site was being kept in mind. Mr. Dixon undertook to try and get in touch with the owner – Mrs Tidy.
Mr Waters also reported on the inspection of the school signs sites & said the one by Mr Smiths wall was being reconsidered. In considering the applications for the office of clerk, a short list of three was made from the 12 applications & placed in order:-
1. Mr. D. Bage Civil Engineer Lynsted
2. Mr. J. Rowe Retired Bank Manager Danaway
3. Mr Kitchener Housing Manager Bapchild
The Clerk was instructed to approach Mr. Bage.
Cheques were signed in favour of Seeboard £42.18.2W.J. Parrett £1.10.0 (advt.)F. Austin & Sons 18/0 (advt.). £80 Precept on the Swale R.D.C on the Lighting account was signed. This is for part of the lighting extension.
Attention was drawn to the state of the so-called path in Lynsted Lane from Vigo Farm to Orchard House. There is no kerb to the path, the road is narrow with the result that in passing another vehicle, one runs on the path & as it is unsurfaced it is churned into mud in wet weather. It was decided to draw the attention of the County District Surveyor & ask if any improvement can be made.
It was also decided to refer to the District Surveyor the siting of the "30" limit sign on the main road at the east end of Greenstreet. It is considered that if this sign were moved 25 yds nearer Faversham, it would result in safer traffic conditions. S. Roper Dixon

19th March 1957 [p112-114]

A meeting of the Parish Council was held at the School on Tuesday the 19th March 1957 at 7.30 p.m. with Mr S. R. Dixon in the chair. Councillors present were: - Mrs Saunders & Messrs Brice, Broad, Cork, Olney, Taylor & Wyles. Present also were Mr Sykes the retiring Clerk and Mr Bage the new clerk. The minutes of the last meeting were read, confirmed and signed.
The Question of the two School Managers to be appointed by the Council was again deferred until the Parish had a new Vicar.
The Chairman reported that he had been unable to contact Mrs Tidy regarding the Greenstreet air raid shelter site and that there was in fact some doubt as to whether she owned it. It was agreed that the Clerk should see what he could find out from the Swale R.D.C. regarding ownership and what could be done regarding the air raid shelter.
A letter from the County Council was read intimating that the 30 mph sign at the east end of Greenstreet would now be resited to the east of Cellar Hill.
A further letter from the Kent County Council regarding the footpath in Lynsted Lane from Vigo Farm to Orchard House informed the Council that any improvement here would be a road widening operation and lack of funds and a Ministry Grant preclude the carrying out of this work at present.
A Circular from the Association of Parish Councils was presented to the Members and especial reference was made to a form for a return of Rural Industries in the Parish. It was agreed that this be held over to enable members to think of any people in the Parish who may be rural craftsmen or engaged in rural industries.
Cheques were signed in favour of Seeboard £60 (out of Lighting Account); Seeboard (December Quarter); and the Mid Kent Water Co (for Half year ending 31st March 1957). A precept for £100 (£80 for lighting & £20 for general) on the Swale R.D.C was signed.
The question of the frequency of Council meetings was raised. The Chairman pointed out that meetings were only called when there was something definite that required one. Nevertheless it was open to all members to have a meeting called whenever they thought it was necessary.
The meeting closed with an address by Lt. Col. Hart, the Civil Defence Officer for the area. His object in asking to attend the meeting was to draw the attention of Members to the need for rural communities to have some organisation ready in any emergency. He stressed that was still need for Civil Defence as there would always be areas on the fringe of devastation that could be helped by those prepared. Lt. Col. Hart suggested that the Parish Council should take responsibility with the New Vicar for organising some sort of civil defence in the area. He also suggested that the Council might like to arrange a public meeting with Films and Demonstrations, which he could supply, to bring the need to the Public notice. The Council agreed to hold such a meeting on the 12th November 1957. A Vote of thanks to Lt. Col. Hart for his address was proposed by the Chairman and seconded by Mrs Saunders and carried with acclamation.
S. Roper Dixon.

25th June 1957 [p114-115]

A meeting of the Parish Council was held at the School on Tuesday the 25th June 1957 at 7.30p.m. with Mr. S. R. Dixon in the chair. Councillors present were:- Mrs Saunders & Messrs Brice, Cork, Olney, Water & Wyles. The minutes of the last meeting were read confirmed and signed.
The Clerk reported that he had had no success regarding the ownership of the air raid shelter site in Greenstreet as the Swale R.D.C records of ownership concluded when rating ceased on the demolition of the cottages on the site. It was agreed to leave the whole question for the time being.
The Council discussed the appointment of two school managers. The Chairman stated that it is usual for the Vicar, if willing, to be one of the Council's nominees; the Education authorities would rather like our other nomination to be a woman as there was no longer one on the Board. It was agreed to nominate the Vicar as he was understood to be willing to do so and had in effect acted in that capacity when Vicar of Lower Halstow. As regards the other member the Council nominated Mrs Yerbury subject to her willingness to stand and directed the Clerk to approach her first. Should she not be willing, Mrs Bage was to be approached and if in turn she also was not prepared to stand, the Clerk was to approach Mrs S. R. Dixon.
A return of Rural Industries in the parish was filled in for the information of the Kent Council of Social Service.
The attention of the Council was drawn to the forthcoming visit of the Mass Radiography Unit and it was decided to support the Campaign whole-heartedly.
Cheques were signed in favour of Seeboard £59-18-0; the Mid Kent Water Co; and Mr Sykes.
The Council directed the Clerk, when sending Mr Sykes his cheque, to convey to him the Council's sympathy and best wishes for his recovery. The question of the untidiness of Ludgate Lane was raised and it was pointed out that apparently this part of the village was not on the regular beat of the roadman and was treated like the outlying parts of the Parish. It was in fact dealt with by mobile squads. The Council felt that it should be cleaned as frequently as other parts of the village and directed the Clerk to write to the County on the matter.
Also raised was the question of sewerage for the village. Mr Waters pointed out that it was a question of finance, the credit squeeze, and the relative priorities of other more urgent sewerage problems in other parts of the Rural District.
With regard to the forthcoming meeting in November concerning Civil Defence it was decided to hold the next Council meeting prior to that time to discuss arrangements for it. S. Roper Dixon.

30th September 1957 [p116-117]

A meeting of the Parish Council was held at the School on Monday the 30th September 1957 at 7.30 p.m. with Mr S. R. Dixon in the Chair. Councillors present were:- Mrs Saunders & Messrs Brice, Broad, Cork, Olney, Taylor, Waters and Wyles. The minutes of the last meeting were read, confirmed and signed.
The Clerk reported that both the Vicar and Mrs Yerbury had accepted their nomination by the Council as School Managers and that the Education Authorities had been informed.
Regarding the Air Raid Shelter in Greenstreet the Chairman thought he might have a work with Mr Harold Sharp on the matter.
The Clerk read a letter from the Divisional Surveyor of the County Council in which it was stated that he was arranging for Ludgate Lane to be included in the regular beat of the roadman and it would therefore have the regular attention given to the rest of the village.
A cheque for £70-3-7 to cover the outstanding electricity Accounts was signed in favour of Seeboard.
Regarding the forthcoming public Civil Defence Meeting on the 12th November, the Clerk reported that he had seen Colonel Hart, who had said he would be responsible for advertising the event and for booking the School Hall. He would however like the names of anyone the Council thought should be especially invited. The Council directed the Clerk to inform Colonel Hart that they would like invitations sent to the Vicar & the Headmistress.
It was reported that a hole had been knocked in the Air Raid Shelter at Vigo Terrace and the Clerk was directed to inform the Swale R.D.C of the matter as it was dangerous.
It was also reported that the manholes in Greenstreet were loose and very noisy in heavy traffic. The Clerk was directed to refer the matter to Swale R.D.C. On a previous occasion when the matter had been similarly reported they had been put right.
Mr Olney raised the question of the children paying on the Green in front of St. Peters Place. Were children who did not live there permitted to play on it. Some doubt was expressed as to whether children were allowed to play on it at all. Mr Waters said he would raise the matter at a Housing Committee. S. Roper Dixon

12th December 1957 [p117-119]

A meeting of the Parish Council was held at the School on Thursday the 12th December 1957 at 7.30 p.m. with Mr. S. R. Dixon in the chair. Councillors present were:- Mrs Saunders & Messrs Brice, Olney & Wyles. Apologies were received for the absence of Mr Waters. The minutes of the last meeting were read confirmed and signed.
The Chairman reported that he had contacted Mr Sharp but had not learned anything fresh regarding the Greenstreet Air raid Shelter site.
The Clerk reported that the R.D.C. already had the repairs to the Vigo air raid shelter in hand when he reported the damage to them. They had also dealt with the manholes in Greenstreet.
A letter from Municipal Mutual Insurance Limited concerning the recent powers of Parish Councils to insure their members was read. The Council directed the Clerk to put the matter in hand without further reference to the Council.
Cheques were signed in favour of the Clerk (£7-10-0 being salary due for 1956-57) & Mid-Kent Water Company (£1-2-0 for the second of half (sic) of 1957-58) A precept for £70 on the Swale R.D.C was presented for lighting and signed.
The Chairman told the Council that he had had a telephone call from Seeboard informing him that certain accounts were still outstanding. It had subsequently transpired that their (sic) had been a muddle at the Seeboard offices and the Council was in fact completely up-to-date with its accounts. The Chairman depracated (sic) the habit of the Board in contacting him instead of the Clerk on these matters. It was decided should it happen again that the clerk be empowered to write strongly to the Board on the matter.
Mr Olney raised the question of the light by Anchor House which was severely obscured by a tree. The Chairman undertook to see Miss Smith about having the tree cut back. Mr Brice informed the Council that he would undertake the cutting if necessary.
The Chairman asked that the question of the proposed Medway Towns by-pass be put on the agenda for the next meeting.
The meeting closed with an address by Lt. Col. Hart, the Civil Defence Officer for the area. As a result of the Public Meeting in November he wished get (sic) something organised in the Parish. He informed the Council that Mrs Bage had agreed to make some efforts to organise a ladies' team with a view to start in Mid-January. For the Gentlemen's team he would require about 6 to form a class. They would meet once a week for two sessions in the year – from October to December and from January to Easter. Warden's duties etc. would occupy 2 sessions and First Aid & Light Rescue would take up another session. Thereafter the members would be on the Reserve and meet once a quarter round the table to keep in touch with new ideas etc.
He informed the Council that Teynham have a Casualty Collecting Team and the whole Council have joined. After discussion it was agreed that as Lynsted and Teynham would almost certainly have to work together in an emergency it would be better if they trained together.
The Chairman agreed to contact Teynham's chairman, Mr Nethercoat, with a view to arranging a joint meeting. R. Wyles May 22nd 1958

22nd May 1958 [p119-125]

A Meeting of the Parish Council was held at the School on Thursday the 22nd May 1958 at 7.30p.m. Newly elected Councillors present were: Mrs Bage, Mrs Saunders, Messrs Brice, Broad, Cork, Olney, Waters, Wilkins and Wyles. As this was the Annual Parish Council meeting the Clerk, Mr Bage, temporarily occupied the chair. It was proposed Mr Olney seconded Mrs Bage that Mr Waters be elected chairman.
It was further proposed Mr Cork seconded Mrs Saunders that Mr Wyles be elected Chairman.
Voting was 5 to 4 in favour of Mr Wyles. On the proposal of Mr Waters seconded Mrs Saunders Mr Wyles was then unanimously elected Chairman. The Clerk then vacated the chair in favour of Mr Wyles who thanked the Council and promised to do his best on their behalf. He also welcomed the members who had not served previously Mrs Bage & Mr Wilkins. The minutes of the last meeting were read, confirmed and signed.
With reference to the tree obscuring the light near Anchor House, the chairman said he would see Miss Smith and get her permission for Mr Brice to have it cut back.
The air raid shelter in Greenstreet again provoked discussion and the Clerk was instructed to renew his efforts to establish ownership. The lid was unsecured and was a nuisance to residents and a danger to children.
The Clerk reported to the Council on the audit of the 1956-57 accounts by the Assistant district auditor in January. He referred to the following points:
1) The auditor had queried the Bank's Charges on the account as the Manager was treasurer and should receive no remuneration. The Clerk reported that he had been in touch with the Manager and that his views were that it was the Manager who was treasurer and did give his services free the charges were for banking facilities. The Clerk informed the Council that altho' the appointment of the then Bank Manager of the Faversham Branch of the National Provincial Bank had originally been made in 1957, no further appointments had been made since that time although the Manager had changed several times.
2) The Auditors were of the opinion that the Council should have a proper allotments register.
3) The Council should insure against damage to Street lamps. The Clerk informed the Council that according to the agreement they were bound to do this.
4) The Fidelity Bond for the Clerk should be increased to provide cover for £250.
5) A Parish meeting must be held each year.
6) An Annual Parish Council Meeting must be held each year to reappoint the Chairman.
7) An error had been made in paying Mr Sykes £7-10 for a half year's salary for 1956-57 as the new Annual Salary of £15 dated from the new Clerk's appointment. A minute by the Council would put this matter right.
It was proposed Mr Waters seconded Mr Cork and carried that:
(a) An allotment register be purchased.
(b) That no action be taken regarding the bank charges but that the Manager of the Faversham Branch of the National Provincial Bank be appointed Hon. Treasurer to the Council.
(c) That the Fidelity Bond be increase to £250.
(d) That the Street Lamps be insured against damage.
It was proposed Mr Brice seconded Mr Waters that the increase in the salary of the post of Clerk to the Council from £5 to £15 per annum shall date from the 1st April 1956 not from the appointment of the new Clerk. This was carried.
As a result of discussion that occurred during the Clerk's report on the audit it was proposed Mr Waters seconded Mr Broad that quotations be obtained for Council notepaper with the Clerk's name and address on. This was carried.
The Clerk then presented the accounts for 1957-58. These appeared to be reasonably satisfactory except for the allotments which were now not paying their way owing to the number of vacancies.
During discussion that followed on the allotments the following points were brought out:-
1) More publicity should be given to the availability of allotments and the Clerk was instructed to get out some notices.
2) There was a probability of loss through rabbits and Mr Brice and Mr Cork agreed to look into the possibility of fencing.
3) The Clerk reported that he had had reported to him loss of tools and crops by allotment holders. He was instructed to inform the Police and give them a list of allotments holders and a map showing the plot that they rent.
The Clerk reported that he had put the Medway Towns By-pass on the agenda because he had been asked by the past Chairman to do so at the last meeting. After discussion it was agreed that the Council were quite happy with the present proposals whereby there was no access onto the bypass in this area.
Cheques were signed in favour of Seaboard (December and March quarters) The Clerk (Salary & sundry debts) and Mr Guy French (Allotment rent for 1956 & 1957)
A precept for £100 (£70 for lighting, £30 general) on the Swale R.D.C was presented and signed.
On the proposal of Mr Waters (seconded Mr Olney) the Clerk was directed to write to Mr S. R. Dixon expressing their regret at his leaving, to record their appreciation of his services both as Chairman and Councillor and to express a hope that he might be able to return to them sometime. On the proposal of Mr Waters (seconded Mrs Saunders) the Clerk was also directed to write to Mr. R. C. Taylor who had left the Parish and record their thanks for his services as a Councillor.
The Clerk informed the Council that he had been asked by the Parochial Church Council whether the Parish Council would be interested in taking over the Churchyard extension. Although the Churchyard was open to all whether churchgoers or not the Clerk said the upkeep was proving very difficult through lack of funds; Voluntary work parties from amongst churchgoers had to do the cutting and maintenance. He understood the Parish Council would be able to charge for the facilities at a cemetery and would therefore have funds available for maintenance. He also pointed out that if the Church did not provide their services to the Parish the Parish Council would have a statutory obligation to do so. The Clerk was directed to go into the legal position and report back.
Mrs Bage raised the question of litter bins for the Village. Before coming to a decision on this matter the Council would like to know the legal position as to who would be responsible for emptying them. The Clerk was directed to investigate.
The Clerk reported on the Town Planning proposal for the Parish and read a letter from the Clerk to the Swale R.D.C. This stated that the R.D. Council had decided that apart from a few villages no major development was proposed and individual applications would be considered on their merits.
One of the areas where development was envisaged was the area between Barrow Green and Greenstreet mostly in the Parish of Teynham although the limits of this development did include parts of the Parish of Lynsted. As this was mostly the southern half of Greenstreet, the foot of Lynsted Lane and Cellar Hill and as this was in the main already developed no major change could be expected here. The Clerk was directed to inform the Swale R.D.C that they were in full agreement with the planning policy as it affected Lynsted Parish.
The condition of Lynsted Lane was again raised. The Clerk was directed to write to the Kent County Council informing them of the following:-
1) The surface of the road was appalling and had not been made up for a number of years.
2) The road was too narrow for the traffic now using it.
3) There were several dangerous corners.
4) There was a constant danger to schoolchildren who had to use the road without footpaths.
5) The Council are aware that there is a Scheme being held up for a lack of funds but they feel that the County Council's attention should be redirected to the matter.
The question of Public conveniences for Greenstreet was again raised. Mr Waters reported that the Swale had been approached with a view to the Swale co-operating over the maintenance of the Conveniences there if they were kept open at all times. He reported that nothing had materialised. He informed the Council that as a result of the R.D.C's experiences with the Conveniences at Newington they were not prepared to build one but they were prepared to maintain one at a Public House similar to the arrangement they had at Doddington.
The Chairman said the meeting had been unduly long owing to the amount of "any other business!. The Clerk asked the Council if he should give the members more notice giving them time to notify him of items they wished to go on the Agenda. It was agreed that 14 days notice at least be given and that items for the agenda be sent to the Clerk in time for him to look up anything in time for the meeting. R. Wyles Oct 15th 1958

15th October 1958 [p125-129]

A meeting of the Parish Council was held at the School on Wednesday the 15th October 1958 at 7.30 p.m., with Mr R. Wyles in the Chair. Councillors present were Mrs Bage and Mrs Saunders & Messrs Brice, Cork, Olney, Waters and Wilkins. Apologies were received from Mr Broad.
Mr Brice reported that he had had a look at the allotments with a view to fencing against rabbits. As there was likely to be an all out campaign against them and as there was a fresh outbreak of myxomatosis beginning it was decided not to press the matter at present.
The Clerk reported that the police had been informed of the recent losses from the allotments and had seen him. He had not been able to get out posters up to the present but an allotment register had been purchased.
Regarding the air Raid Shelter site in Greenstreet the Clerk reported that he had managed to trace the owner of the property. It was part of the estate of the late Mr A. J. Tidy which was at present in trust with Mrs Tidy as the life recipient of the income. Any correspondence relating to the property should be addressed to the Trustees of the will of Mr. A. T. Tidy c/o Harris & Harris, Solicitors. The Clerk then read a letter from Mr. E. Groombridge complaining of the state of the property which he claimed was becoming a rubbish dump and in which he complained that the disused Shelter was being use as Public Convenience. The Council directed the Clerk to write to the Trustees and ask them if this land could be fenced to prevent further nuisance.
The Clerk reported that insurance of the lamps was in hand and that the Fidelity Bond had been increased. He also reported that the Manager of the National Provincial Bank at Faversham had accepted the Treasurership of the Council.
Regarding the Litter Bins the Clerk reported that the Swale R.D.C would empty any Litter Bins provided in the Parish.
The Chairman reported that he had seen Mrs Smith and had had the tree, that was obscuring the light near the Post Office, cut back.
The Clerk produced a quotation for Council notepaper from Messrs George Ash. He was directed to purchase 100 copies and after discussion was directed to keep account of his own telephone calls & postage with a view to reimbursement.
Regarding the question of the churchyard the Clerk reported that he had not definitely been able to establish the legal position but was of the opinion that the Council could not be forced to take it over. Nevertheless should the existing one be closed the Parish would be under an obligation to provide a Burial Ground. The Council decided to take no further action unless it heard again from the Parochial Church Council.
Regarding the question of Lynsted Lane raised at the last meeting the Clerk had heard from the Divisional Surveyor and read a letter from him. This stated that there is still no hope of obtaining a grant for the widening scheme but out of maintenance money available he was including for surface dressing the road with tar and grit in the estimate for the coming year.
The Council felt that the matter should not rest there and directed the Clerk to write to the County Member for the district drawing his attention to the matter, attaching a copy of the Divisional Surveyor's letter.
Discussion then followed on the state of the County Council's verges which were left to overgrow to an alarming extent before being cut back. Most of these had been dealt with recently but the Toll was still overgrown. The Clerk was directed to write to the Divisional Surveyor and draw his attention to the infrequent attention given to the road's verges. The Clerk drew the Council's attention to County Circular No. 40 dated 19th September 1958 with particular reference to the Litter Act 1958 which came into force on the 7th August. This reminded Council that they may prosecute an offence against the Act committed in the Parish.
Regarding the suggested provision of Litter Bins for the Parish the Council directed the Clerk to ascertain what Teynham Parish Council were doing as any scheme that included Greenstreet would have to be in conjunction with them.
The Clerk read a letter from the Kent Education Committee regarding the appointment of one of the Managers for Norton Church of England School. The appointment was to be made by Norton Parish Meeting, Teynham Parish Council and Lynsted Parish Council acting jointly.
The Clerk was directed to get in touch with the Clerk of Teynham Parish Council and find out the views of his Council.
The Clerk read a letter from the Manager of the National Provincial Bank requesting a renewed mandate for the operation of the Council's account.
This was signed and the signatures of the new members Mrs Bage & Mr Wilkins appended.
Cheques in favour of the Mid Kent Water Company (£1-2-0) The Clerk (£7-5-3 for sundry debts) & George Ash (£4-1-6 for the allotment register)
Mr Olney raised the question of the repeated power failures in the Parish. When informed by Mr Waters that the matter had been raised at an R.D.C meeting and that subsequently arrangements for an alternative method of supply had been made by the Electricity Board, the Council decided not to take any action at present.
A plan was made for more regular meetings and it was decided to fix the next meeting at the end of the previous meeting. Consequently the next meeting was decided as Monday 12th January 1959. It was generally agreed that Monday was the best day for meeting.
After discussion it was decided that Sewerage for the village and Playing Fields be placed on the agenda for the next meeting. R. Wyles Jan 12th 1959

12th January 1959 [p129-132]

A meeting of Lynsted Parish Council was held at the primary school on Monday the 12th January 1959 at 7.30 p.m. with Mr. R. Wyles in the chair. Councillors present were Mrs Bage, Mrs Saunders and Messrs Brice, Broad, Cork, Olney & Wilkins.
Before proceeding with the business of the evening the Chairman asked the Council to stand for a minute's silence in memory of one of their members Mr F. A. Waters who died the previous Saturday.
With regard to the recent representations to the County over the state of Lynsted Lane the Clerk read a letter from the Deputy County Surveyor that had been received by Mr Allsworth the representative for the area on the County Council. This promised that the scheme for Lynsted Lane would be included in the list of schemes submitted to the Ministry for Grant during the next financial year. The Clerk also read a letter from Mr Allsworth which said that he would keep the matter under review.
The Clerk read a letter from Mr Grisdale, the District County Surveyor in which he said that the problem of keeping the road verges cut back was affected by the financial position. In a normal summer the labour available for this work was able to cope but the wet weather of last year had acted greatly to their disadvantage.
Regarding the air raid shelter site in Greenstreet which had been the cause of so many complaints in the past the Clerk reported that he had heard from the Solicitors acting for the Trustees. They had informed him that they had advised the Trustees to sell the land. The Council were of the opinion that this would be the best solution and would watch developments with interest.
The Clerk reported that he had been notified by the County Council that it was intended that the F.P from the Road N of Jeffries Cottage W.N.W to Tonge Parish Boundary thence to Radfield should be closed. The Council agreed not to object.
A cheque for £70-11-7 in favour of Seeboard & a precept for £36 on the Swale R.D.C were signed.
The Clerk was directed to draw the attention of the Rural District Council to the state of the road from Lynsted Lane to the garages at Batteries Close and also to the condition of the footpath to the close itself.
Some concern was felt by the Council over the footpath from the village known as "Granny Stiles" as this blocked by corrugated sheeting and was overgrown in places. The Clerk was directed to write to the owners concerned.
The question of sewerage for the village was raised. It was pointed out that it was a matter of priorities and that larger villages in the District such as Boughton, Upchurch & Bapchild were being dealt with first. However the Council thought that the attention of the Rural District Council should again be drawn to the matter.
The Clerk was directed to write to the County concerning the cleanliness of Batteries Close. The road did not appear to be included in the "beat" of the roadman and some doubt was expressed as to whether it had been cleaned since Coronation Year.
The matter of the continuing nuisances resulting from the keeping of pigs near the village was again raised. The objection centred on the method of providing food for the animals not on the presence of the animals themselves. The pigs were fed on an "offal" which was obtained from a slaughter house and then cooked. This resulted in the frequent emission of a smell which pervaded the shops and houses in the village and beyond. The names of householders who found the smell objectionable were presented to the meeting. Of those approached only one person stated that he could not smell it but two others for business or private reasons declined to have their names included. Prior to cooking the offal was kept in bins which it was stated swarmed with flies in the summer. Some of the troughs from which the animals fed on the cooked food were in close proximity to the garden walls in the village and similarly encouraged flies. Although the area affected by flies was probably smaller than that affected by the smell some members considered them to be the greater menace especially as two shops selling foodstuffs were involved. The Clerk was directed to approach the Local Authority (Swale R.D.C) on the matter, and ask if they could take steps to have the nuisance abated.
Regarding playing fields Mr Wilkins reported that nothing has been done at present. When and if land is bought the Parish Councils would be asked to take it over. There was nothing the Council could do at this stage.
The next meeting (to follow the Annual Parish Meeting) was arranged for March 2nd and the Annual Parish Council Meeting for Monday the 25th May. R. Wyles March 2nd 1959

2nd March 1959 [p132-134]

A meeting of the Lynsted Parish Council was held on the 2nd March 1959 at the School at 7.30 p.m. with Mr R. Wyles in the chair. Other councillors present were Mrs Bage & Mrs Saunders and Messrs Brice, Broad, Cork, Olney and Wilkins. The minutes of the last meeting were read confirmed and signed.
The Clerk reported that he had written to the owner regarding the blocking of the "Granny Stiles" footpath but had not had a reply.
Regarding the road and footpath to the Garages the Clerk said he had reported the matter to the Swale R.D.C and understood the matter had been dealt with but it was stated that although the footpath had been put right the road itself was still as before.
The Clerk read a letter from Mr Grisdale with regard to the cleanliness of Batteries Close stated that it would be attended to. It was reported in fact that this had now been done. The Council directed the Clerk to write to Mr Grisdale and express their appreciation of the prompt way he had cooperated with the Council over the numerous matters they had raised with him over the past year.
He also reported that the matter of the pig food nuisances was in the hands of the Medical Officer of Health.
The Clerk reported that he had heard from the Committee for the Preservation of Rural Kent concerning a competition for the Best Kept Village. The Council were of the opinion that anything that encouraged a pride of one's village was welcome and decided that the village of Lynsted should be entered. The Clerk was directed to write to various parish organisations who might be willing to cooperate through their members.
The financial position of the year about to end and the estimate for the coming year were presented to the Council and approved.
Cheques were signed in favour of Mid Kent Water Co. (£1-2-0); Kent Education Committee (16s-10d); Geo. Ash (16s-6d) the Clerk (£3-5-0) The next meeting will be the Annual Parish Council Meeting on the 25th May 1959. R. Wyles 25th May 1959

25th May 1959 [p134-136]

The Annual meeting of the Lynsted Parish Council was held at the School on the 25th May 1959 commencing at 7.30p.m. Councillors present were Mrs Bage; Mrs Saunders; Messrs Brice, Cork, Olney, Wilkins & Wyles. Mr. R. Wyles was elected chairman for the coming year with Mr. F Brice as vice-chairman.
The Clerk reported that he had heard from the Clerk of the Rural District Council regarding the smell & flies caused by the offal fed to pigs near the village. The Medical Officer of Health had reported to the Rural District Council that the best practical means appeared to be adopted for counteracting or preventing the effect of any effluence and that this would be a complete defence to any proceedings which the Council might take in the matter. The clerk reported that he had sought advice from the National Association of Parish Councils and they had informed him that the Council itself could not bring the complaint before a Justice of the Peace as it did not own any property affected by the nuisance and was not therefore a person aggrieved. As there had however been a definite improvement in the situation recently the Council considered that they would not pursue the matter at this stage but should the flies or smell become troublesome the question would be reconsidered.
It was reported that the track leading to the garages at Batteries Close had still not been attended to and the Clerk was directed to draw the attention of the R.D.C to the matter.
The Clerk reported that he had circulated various bodies about the Council's entry of Lynsted village to the Best Kept Village competition. The Council was pleased at the response their action had had within the village.
Mrs Saunders & Mr Wyles were re-elected as the Council's representatives to attend the meetings of the Kent Association of Parish Council and the Area Committee.
Cheques were signed in favour of Seeboard £23-12-0; Kent Association of Parish Councils £2-5-0; the Clerk Sundry debts £3-13-4 & Salary £15-0-0 received prior to the meeting. A precept was signed for £90.0.0 on Swale Rural District Council.
Some concern was felt that the Parish had no representative on the Rural District Council and the Clerk was directed to write requesting any information as to when a vacancy would be officially declared. The Council viewed with disfavour the increasing tendency of householders to deposit their garden rubbish on roadside verges especially in Lynsted Lane. After discussion it was decided that there was no action they could take in the matter.
The new lighting tariffs were presented to the Council for their approval. The Clerk pointed out that they would result in a small saving and they were accepted. Lighting generally was discussed and it was agreed that it should be placed on the agenda for the next meeting.
The next meeting was fixed for Monday the 21st September 1959. R. Wyles 21 Sep 1959

8th June 1959 [p136-137]

A Special meeting of Lynsted Parish Council was held at the School on Monday the 8th June 1959 with Mr. R. Wyles in the chair. Present were Mrs Bage, Mrs Saunders, Messrs Brice, Broad, Cork, Olney & Wilkins. The Chairman said he had called the meeting as the Council had been asked to send two delegates to a meeting on the 10th June about the provision of playing fields for Teynham and Lynsted out of funds collected during the years after the war. The Council felt that they did not have enough information as to what was actually proposed to enable them to reach any decision as to how far they would be prepared to commit the Parish if some of the cost of running the fields fell back on them. The Council decided that its representatives to the meeting should attend with a view to finding out what it entailed without committing the Council and then to report back. Mr Wyles & Mr Olney were nominated to represent the Council at the meeting. R. Wyles 21 Sep 1959

22nd June 1959 [p137-138]

A Special meeting of Lynsted Parish Council was held at the School on Monday the 22nd June 1959 with Mr. R. Wyles in the Chair. The purpose of the meeting was discuss (sic) the result of the joint meeting with the Teynham & Lynsted Welcome Home Committee and the subsequent letter of (sic) from the Solicitors Tassell & Son. It was decided that the Council must support the playing fields in as much as they must contribute toward their upkeep. The numbers of members in the proposed joint Management Committee & the proportions of the cost were to be decided by a joint meeting of Clerks & Chairmen. Subject to the views of the Teynham Council the Council felt that three members for each Parish would be right enabling a permissible co-option of outside members of up to 5. (this so that the Parish Councils did not lose control).
Owing to the possibility of development in Teynham the Council felt that the proportion of the costs to be borne by the Parish Councils should not be fixed but should be related to the proportions that the penny rate bore to one another. In addition to the Chairman present were Mrs Bage & Mrs Saunders and Messrs Brice, Cork, Olney & Wilkins. R. Wyles 21 Sep 1959

21st September 1959 [p138-141]

A Meeting of Lynsted Parish Council was held at the School on Monday the 21st September 1959.
Present were Mrs Bage, Mrs Saunders, Messrs Brice, Broad, Cork, Olney, Wilkins & Wyles. Mr Wyles was in the chair. The chairman welcomed Mr Brett, Lynsted's representative on the R.D.C to the meeting.
It was reported that the track to the garages at Batteries Close was still in a bad state and the Clerk was asked to take the matter up with the R.D.C. The width of the road was also referred to and it was agreed that it was of insufficient width to take both pedestrians and the vehicular traffic. It was suggested that the fence be set back to allow room for pedestrians to walk. Mr Brett agreed to raise the matter with the R.D.C.
The Clerk reported that he had heard the result of the "Best Kept Village" Competition and that Lynsted was "nowhere". The Judges comments were "untidy and overgrown – no sign of community effort". After discussion it was agreed that although there had been some individual and group efforts it was, in general, fair comment, especially when the state of the untenanted allotments, the green in the village and parts of the churchyard were considered.
Mr Brett who was attending the meeting as Lynsted's representative was elected to fill the vacancy on the Parish Council by the death of Mr. F. A. Waters.
The Council was informed by the Clerk that he had received complaints that sheep had been eating crops off the allotments. The Clerk was directed to write to the farmer concerned and ask him to put his fences in order.
Various aspects of the lighting in the parish were discussed and it was agreed that a committee be appointed to investigate and report back. Messrs Cork, Olney & Wilkins were elected to stand on the committee.
The state of the hedges to the South of the Village was raised and reference to their danger to traffic was made. The Clerk was directed to write to the owner concerned.
The Clerk was also asked to write to the Divisional Road Surveyor regarding the state of the road surface in Greenstreet which, it was considered, was getting dangerous. He was also directed to refer to the state of Ludgate Lane which appeared to have been neglected of late by roadsweeper.
Cheques were signed in favour of the following:- Mid Kent Water Company £1.2.0 (half year ended 30th September 1959); Seeboard £22.10.2 (June Quarter) The Clerk £4/-/- (Lettings and Aucit Stamp); Shaw & Sons £1.4.11 (Financial Statements)
The minutes of the two Special meetings concerning Playing Fields were read confirmed & signed.
The following resolutions were passed:-
The Meeting again considered the terms of the proposed Lease to be granted by the Associated Portland Cement Manufacturers Ltd for the purpose of the Teynham & Lynsted playing field and it is resolved:
(i) That the same be approved and that Messrs Tassell & Son of 20, West Street, Faversham, Solicitors be instructed to peruse the draft lease and complete the matter on behalf of the Teynham and Lynsted Parish Councils the lease to be taken in the name of the Teynham Parish Council.
(ii) That Messrs Tassell & Son proceed with the preparation of a declaration of trust of the leasehold property as required by the Minister of Education.
(iii) That the costs and other expenses in connection with the preparation of the above lease and declaration of trust and the taking over of the land be shared between the two Councils in the proportions set out in the seventh paragraph thereof.
(iv) That the initial laying out of the recreation ground be left to the Teynham & Lynsted Welcome Home Committee and that when the ground has been so laid out the Teynham and Lynsted Parish Councils jointly undertake its management and that for this purpose a joint Committee of the two Councils be appointed and that the function of management be delegated to that Committee.
(v) That the joint committee consist of three members of and appointed by Lynsted Parish Council and three members of of (sic) and appointed by Teynham Parish Council such appointments to be until the 20th May next and thereafter to be made at the Annual Meeting of each Parish Council.
(vi) That the Joint Committee shall have power to invite the Teynham and Lynsted Welcome Home Fund Committee to appoint annually not more than three members of that Committee or subscribers to the fund to attend the Joint Committee as advisers.
(vii) That the expenses of the Joint Committee be shared between the two Parish Councils in the proportion that a product of a penny rate in each Parish bears to the total product in both Parishes. The next meeting of the Council was arranged for the 30th November 1959. R. Wyles 30 Nov 1959

30th November 1959 [p141-144]

A meeting of Lynsted Parish Council was held at the school on Monday the 30th November 1959.
Present were Mrs Bage, Mrs Saunders & Messrs Broad, Brice, Brett, Wilkins and Wyles. Apologies were received from Mr Cork & Mr Olney. Mr Wyles was in the chair. The minutes of the last meeting were read confirmed & signed.
Mr Brett reported that the Council had attended to the surface of the garage access at Batteries Close but the widening would not be carried out until the fence had to be replaced. The Clerk reported that he had spoken to the farmer whose sheep were alleged to have eaten crops on the allotment. His fences are now in order.
The Clerk also reported that he had seen the owner of the hedges to the South of the village and he had promised to attend to them.
A letter from Mr Grisdale, the Divisional Road Surveyor, stated that the surface in Greenstreet had been attended to, and the reason for the lack of cleanliness of Ludgate Lane was being investigated.
The Clerk reported that he had heard from Mr Moss regarding the Playing Fields and that now the resolution regarding them had been passed they can go ahead.
Deliberate damage to the bulbs of the lamp standards had been reported to the Clerk by the Electricity Board. Although several members had heard who the culprits were there was little that could be done without proof. The Clerk was directed to write to the Police and ask them to look out for any renewal of the activity. It was stated by the Clerk that the Council was only insured for accidental damage and that they would have to foot the bill themselves.
Cheques were signed as follows:-
Seeboard (September Quarter)£22-16-3; Seeboard (Damage to Bulbs)£0-6-8; Mr R Wyles (Fares & Subsistence)£1-0-0
The Lighting Committee reported on their investigations. The recommendations included:-
(a) Standard outside No. 10 Batteries Close be removed to No. 15
(b) An additional Standard outside 29 & 30 Batteries Close
(c) A Standard on bend in Garage access
(d) The light outside Bogle be replaced by (i) one outside barn & (ii) one opp Bogle Cottage, both of which could be placed on existing electricity poles.
(e) A new light on an arm on existing pole near Berkely Home.
(f) A new standard at the foot of the hill in place of the existing one outside Anchor House.
(g) A further standard at the end of the development in Greenstreet toward Mill Lane.
The Clerk was directed to ascertain the cost of these various items from the Electricity Board.
The Clerk presented to the meeting the plans of the New Medway By-pass where it affected Lynsted Parish. Very little of the Parish was affected and the Council had no comment. The Clerk stated that the plans would be kept at his home for reference by the Parish.
Mr Brett reported that the Maidstone & District were endeavouring to remove the buses on the Lynsted route after 6 o'clock in the evening. Together with representatives from the other Parishes affected he had met the Company who had now agreed to retain them on Sundays, Wednesday, Fridays and Saturdays.
The question of fares on the route was raised and it was agreed to have a special meeting either on 4th or 11th January 1960. The final decision to rest with Mr Broad who would bring the relevant information with him to the meeting. R. Wyles 28th March.

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