
(Last amended at the AGM of 14 November 2016)

1) Name of the Society

The Society shall be known as the Lynsted with Kingsdown Society, thereafter referred to as "the Society".

2) Objects

The objects of the Society shall be to study and promote the understanding of the Parish of Lynsted with Kingsdown. Coverage includes history, archaeology, folklore, flora, fauna and genealogy from the area. The Society will arrange meetings, lectures, social events and provide a repository and focus for material and resources relevant to the Parish.

To this end the Society will;

a) Undertake research into aspects of the Parish's heritage and natural history;
b) Make available to the public the results of such research;
c) Arrange and compile the results of the research to form the Archive of the Society;
d) Mount displays of local heritage and natural history material;
e) Provide, when required, advice and comment on matters appertaining to the natural history and heritage of the Parish;
f) Invite guest speakers to address members of the Society on subjects relevant to the objects;
g) Arrange visits to places of local and general interest open to members and nonmembers where appropriate;
h) Arrange social events to publicise the Society and encourage new membership.

3) Membership

Membership of the Society shall be open to all on payment of an annual subscription laid down from time to time by the Executive Committee.

Should a member act in such a way as to bring the Society into disrepute, the Executive Committee has the power to terminate the person's membership.

4) Annual Subscription

The Annual Subscription shall be agreed at the Annual General Meeting. Persons shall become members on payment of the current subscription, which shall be due on joining and then on the first of January each year. Subscriptions are payable in advance annually at the beginning of the calendar year. If a subscription is not paid by the first of March of that year, the Honorary Treasurer shall give the member a written reminder. If the subscription is not received within a further four weeks the member will be deemed to have resigned.

New Members joining the Society on, or after the first of September, benefit from the following full calendar year's subscription in addition to the remaining month(s) of the current year.

5) Executive Committee

a) The Committee shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting to take place each October/November. The Committee to manage the affairs of the Society shall consist of a Chairman, Honorary Secretary, Honorary Treasurer, Events Secretary Membership Secretary and up to three other members to carry out other duties. All posts are to be elected for a period of one year. All posts may stand for re-election. However, the Chairman and Treasurer must stand down after five consecutive years in office and may not be re-elected to that post for a period of two years thereafter.

b) The Committee shall meet a minimum of four times a year.

c) There shall be a quorum when at least four members of the committee are present for a meeting.

d) In determining a question by vote for the majority of members present, each having one vote, the chairman of the meeting shall have a second and casting vote.

e) The Management Committee may co-opt members as required, normally to hold office until the next AGM. With majority agreement of the Executive Committee, it may fill any vacant post in the Committee with full voting rights. The Executive Committee may also co-opt additional, non-executive, members to help the Committee regularly to monitor projects and decide on demands on Society resources.

6) Finance

The Executive Committee is responsible for the funds of the Society. The Treasurer is responsible for accounting for those funds, and is authorised to operate a bank account in the name of the Society. The annual accounts of the Society shall be independently examined. The Independent Examiner will be nominated and agreed at the Annual General Meeting. The independently examined accounts shall be presented to the Annual General Meeting. All cheques shall be signed by two of the four authorised signatories.

7) Dissolution of the Society

The Society shall be dissolved by a resolution passed by a two-thirds majority of those present and voting at a Special Meeting convened for the purpose, of which twenty-one days' notice shall have been given to members. Such resolution may give instructions for the disposal of any assets held by or in the name of the Society, provided that if any property remains after the satisfaction of all debts and liabilities, such property shall not be paid to or distributed among the members of the Society, but shall be given or transferred to such other charitable institution or institutions having objects similar to some or all of the objects of the Society, as the Society may determine, and if in so far as affect cannot be given to this provision, then to some other charitable purpose.

Should any such dissolution take place, every effort will be made to keep the material available to the people of the Parish, probably via the public library system.

8) Constitutional Amendments

Any amendments to this Constitution shall receive the assent of not less than two-thirds of the members of the Society present and voting at the AGM or a meeting specially called for that purpose, provided that notice of any such amendment shall have been received by the Secretary in writing at least twenty-one clear days before the meeting at which the amendment is to be brought forward.

At least fourteen clear days notice in writing of such a meeting, setting forth the terms of the amendment to be proposed, shall be sent to each member of the Society.

This constitution contains the amendments agreed at the AGM on 14 October 2004, the AGM on 26 October 2008 and the AGM on 11 November 2015. These amendments have been made to the Original, which was agreed, adopted and signed on 26th November 2003.

Signed: ___________________

Position: Chairman

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